Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Amazing Race - Tea, Tea and More Tea!

Last week, we're greeted with China, a Double U-Turn and a Prehistoric puzzle that sent Jaime and Cara packing all the way back home. Based from the previews last week, we would be treated with a huge Luke meltdown and boy they did not disappoint.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Did I say they were going to Calcutta? Or should I say Kolkata? I swear, I don't even know why they changed the spelling of that city because its the same. Somebody enlighten me or something because I'm clueless. Anyway, after a tea tasting ceremony in China (which is funny because almost every team said, 'Ugh, we're staying in China'),

Teams are all bunched up again on the flight to Kolkata. Another funny thing is that all of the teams run out of the airport like crazy,

Run like there's no tomorrow!
Only to be shocked by the number of people waiting outside of the airport.

And mind you, this is at 1 in the morning. Why there are so many people at that time, I would never know. Maybe they heard that The Amazing Race is in town. Whatever the reason is, even I find it bizarre but to each his own I guess.

And yet another funny moment (and this is in the first 20 minutes or so of the episode), several of the teams arrive at the Town Hall and it opens at 10AM. Gary and Mallory arrive next and they all tell Mallory that there's a sign-up sheet and that they have to run. And lo and behold, Mallory does run.

Lost and confused.
Got to love Mallory. After that, its race mode now. And the inevitable Roadblock. Teams have to find the one tea that they tasted back in China which was an infusion of mango and papaya. Mind you there are a thousand tea cups.

Teas of Doom
Its not much of a random luck since if you do remember the taste or smell or color of the tea then you're good to go. But somehow some people did get by with luck like Kisha and Kent. And after several teams leaving, we're back to where we started and that is Luke breaking down. They were there for almost half of the episode so you'll know that they're going to be so dead.

Oh, another funny thing in this episode (hurray for funnies) is the bottle clue. Jen and Kisha, I love them, were actually asking people where they make Snapple.

Make Snapple?
Lol. And they even got on a taxi when somebody said a random place. And when this guy tried to open their bottle, they all go, 'no, no, we can't open that'. And that's when Kisha had the idea that maybe, just maybe, their destination is actually there.

No, no, you can't open that.

Maybe the clue is in the cap.

Shut the f*ck up!
Ah yes, the hilarious comedic value of Kisha and Jen. Got to love them. The Detour was pretty straight forward with either painting a statue or delivering books somewhere. And one thing I learned from the episode is that the Cowboys cannot count.

Jet & Cord, Ron & Chris and Zev & Justin are 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Oh lookie, Kent and Vyxsin here's as well!
The amazing Jet & Cord will tell you what team you are.
4th. LOL.
And this is like a minute after they were just proclaimed 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Apparently, counting is now done 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6. Poor number 5. Haha.

And yes, Margie and Luke did arrive last and we are treated to one final Luke meltdown.

I know its wrong to laugh but I never really liked Luke. Its sad to see him break down like this but at the same time I can't help but snicker. Am I awful? Lol.

Anyway, TWO WEEKS until the next episode. Argh, can't wait!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kaos - Daring Acrobatics and More!

I was expecting some sort of a musical wherein there's a prince and there's a princess and they would find each other and live happily ever after.

I was so wrong. Haha.

Kaos from the very beginning grabbed my attention with the dancers. Well actually, from the adviser. Well, no it was the talking lion head animation that got me.

But anyway, I'll divide the review into several portions just so to get the whole gist of it.

And I was bummed that Gian Magdangal wasn't there. He was supposed to be the lead. Boo.


The story itself was pretty straightforward. A prince is in search for his princess. The king is without a queen and he wants happiness for his one and only son. And then there's the adviser who you think is a good guy but turns evil at the end. And finally, there's the princess who by the way is from the future! That's the only thing that's different from the other plays that I've seen is that the love story took place in another time. They go to the future and fall in love with each other. The adviser tries to break them up when he, himself falls in love with the princess and the prince fights for them and for some reason, the adviser gets defeated and then bam, end of story.

Honestly, I felt that the story was cut so short that parts of it didn't make sense. But the whole musical wasn't about the story at all. Its about the acrobatics, the dances and of course, the music. So for the story, I'll give it a 6 out of 10 just because of the future plot.

The dancing ranged from traditional to hip hop. I was so surprised when they did a hip hop dance but it was good. Everybody was doing well, and I was pleasantly entertained. The best part is that there are some of the dancers that head into the audience and shake hands, do hi-fives and do their thing right in front of the audience. Like, there's a guy who's inches away from where I sat. It was a good experience nevertheless.

So for the dancing, I give it a 9 out of 10.


There were several songs in the musical that I was bored. They sang so many ballads that I felt that Randy Jackson took me over and I wanted to shout, 'Boring! One cannot live on ballads alone!'. Even my mom said so, seeing that she fell asleep during one number.

But the rest of the songs were well done. The actress playing the princess has one of the highest pitch I have ever heard my entire life. I kid you not. Its like, dang, this girl can sing! So for the songs, its a 7 out of 10 for me I'm afraid. Don't get me wrong, the actors can sing their hearts out, but the choice of songs was a bit of a downer.


This is where everything changes. We have the air ballet wherein this guy held his partner by his ankles. By his ankles! And they were flying high up in the air! I was like in awe. Then there's this magician who did the normal magic tricks like making his assistant disappear then making him appear again. The sad thing about the magic act is that they used a white lion who looked very malnourished. The lion looked very thin! Its such a shame and I hope they'll do something about that.

And then there's the Wheel of Death. I've seen this act before when I watched the 'Great American Circus' back in December and I was in awe back then but this one takes the cake. They were so good, its like watching them fly without any harnesses whatsoever. Just so you all know what this wheel looks like, I'm attaching a picture.

Its not the actual Wheel of Death as they used in the musical but that's the gist of it. They are in this wheel and they spin around and around.

At one point they'll both head out of the wheel and run around the wheel on the perimeter.

And for the finale, one of the guys would do the running outside the wheel while doing jump-rope! There's this point where he was in the air and he managed to jump rope three, four times I believe. Its so surreal. I'm going wow, that is good.

Then there's these two guys who have the best upper muscle strength EVER. One guys gets on top of the other guy using his one hand and do a hand-stand. Like literally, do a hand stand. And they do another act wherein they make one straight horizontal line. And when I say straight, its straight.

And for the finale, there's these motorbike guys who get on a small enclosure and they drive around it. Its like being inside an orb and mind you, there are five guys in motorbikes in there and the orb is not big. One wrong move and bam, you're being driven over a motorcycle. It was so cool.

And just because of the length of this review, you know that I'll give it a perfect 10. No questions asked.

So all in all, the entire show is an 8 out of 10. The acrobatics make most of the show so its all good. I believe they're on until May so head over to Resorts World Manila and watch it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island - Why didn't I learn this in school?

I just realized that I haven't posted any recaps about Survivor: Redemption Island except for the episode where Russell got voted out. I must have forgotten because this season has been pretty good so far. We are down to thirteen members now, Krista from Zapatera just got sent to Redemption Island where she has to duel Matt.

Matt hasn't been defeated in a duel since he got sent to Redemption Island, so the odds against Krista are pretty high. The duel is simple. Using a grappling hook, they need to hook in three bags. One of the bags has a ball that they will use to solve a table maze. First person to complete the maze wins the duel.

Surprisingly, Krista makes quick work of the bags and the grappling hook.

Krista, the bag wrangler
Which means Matt is in trouble. But then again, there's still the maze. Krista doesn't seem to want to give up as she held onto her lead but Matt quickly catches up to her and the pivotal moment is when Krista drops her ball giving Matt the victory.

Bye bye ball
Which means Krista's quest in a million dollars is over and that she needs to burn her buff and get a move on.

Farewell Krista. You gave it your all but your best wasn't good enough. So Matt wins yet another duel, stays alive to reunite with the people who stabbed him in the back. Got to love him. So with the duel out of the way, let's see how the two tribes are doing.


The star of Ometepe are not these two for sure:

And definitely not this guy who does nothing but follow Rob around like a little puppy.

The star of Ometepe is Philip. The "Former Federal Agent". He's all over the place. He goes on a tirade against Natalie and Ashley and basically thinks he's in a three-way alliance with Grant and Rob and then he wants to vote out Rob and conspires that with Andrea.

The guy may not have a clue as to how he's irritating people but at least he knows he can't trust Rob. Hopefully he can pull something off but at this rate with Natalie, Ashley and Grant basically loving Rob at every minute of every day, that's going to be difficult.


And then we have the Zapatera Tribe. They're basically a wreck right now with all the egos flying around. David hates it that Sarita called him out last week, Stephanie hates her tribe, Steve hates Stephanie for, God forbid, voting against him at the last council, Julie doesn't like Sarita for being a drama queen and Sarita hates the dirt.


So of course they lose the challenge because they are so abysmal. They are self-destructing. The alliance of six which is supposed to be strong is breaking apart. I was secretly rooting for Stephanie to stay but that would mean Sarita has to go. I like both women. I wish this guy left instead.

His true colors definitely surfaced. He wanted to keep the tribe strong as opposed to keeping loyal people. What the heck? Stephanie is more than willing to flip over to Ometepe, Sarita won't do that. Even if Sarita is weak, if you guys do get to the merge, you're still one person short because Stephanie will flip on a snap of a finger. Stupid.

So off they went to Tribal Council where David openly attacked Sarita. Stephanie did too but she was at the end of her rope so I understood that. David is just prissy, and so much in love with himself that he made himself look like an idiot.

Hopefully people will get to see how disloyal David could be and how unpredictable he could be and that he goes next.

Survivor is getting good, but still not as good as the other seasons. Until next week!

American Idol - A Dream May End ..... or Not

No one is safe is right. Welcome back my Idol Fanatics for the Results Show and let me tell you it was a doozy. From the guest performances to James orgasmic reactions when Hulk Hogan shows up to Steven Tyler's birthday being sung by no other than Stevie Wonder, it was a great show. Let's get a move on!

The show began with the opening number of the Top 11 which is an Idol classic, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". Disaster would be the perfect word to describe it. People were all over the place, the camera guys didn't seem to know who to focus on and it was just wrong. The good news is that we didn't need to hear Paul or Scotty or Stefano sing a verse because this song isn't right for them which makes me wonder why Casey sang a line. At any rate, it was the worst group performance of the season so far.

And then Stevie Wonder appears!

Hurray Stevie! And Steven Tyler was just in awe and was so giddy that he started hugging Jennifer. So sweet.

Such a happy family
And a surprise for Steven because its his birthday and Stevie starts singing Happy Birthday! Its so nice. Really, really nice.

You rarely saw these moments back in the old Idol so I think this is just wonderful what they did. Happy Birthday Steven Tyler!

But the celebration ends there because the Bottom Three is about to be announced. Ryan calls on the first three to go to the center of the stage.

Scotty - Pia - Lauren
I'm pretty sure that they're all safe and I bet you do too so I won't prolong this and yes, they are indeed safe. Ryan has to torture them a little bit by saying that they should pack their bags. But not because they're going home but because they will be a part of the Summer Tour. Yay! GO PIA!

Why the distance?
Then we have Paul and James. Ryan once again tortures them a little bit by saying they are not safe. But not because they're going home. Its because of this guy.

Ah yes, Hulk Hogan is on American Idol! Whoopee. And the best part is that James starts losing it.

And they did this just because James is a fan of wrestling. And maybe Hulk is a fan of Idol, I don't know. At any rate, he's just there to announce that both Paul and James are safe and that James would be getting Hulk's ripped off shirt.

Major laffos at Haley's face. She's like, 'WTF, you're happy over that?'. I bet James sleeps beside that shirt every night too. Sweet guy. But we still don't have a Bottom Three. What gives Ryan? So he calls on Stefano, Thia and Jacob.

I'm already having bad vibes about this because after Jacob's pimping last performance, I really doubt he's in the Bottom Three.

And he's not which means, Thia or Stefano might be in the Bottom Three.

Oh wait, they're both are in the Bottom Three. Oh no. Which leaves us with Haley, Casey and Naima.

Two of them are safe, the other is in the Bottom Three. You can bet your socks that its going to be Haley right? Well for one thing, Naima is safe.

Which is good since we need a little spunk in the show. So that leaves us with Casey and Haley. One of them is in the Bottom Three, the other is safe. Who's it going to be?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, its Casey Abrams. Haley is safe.

Haley is shocked.

And this is our bottom three. Casey, Sefano and Thia. One of them is in danger of going home unless they get saved by the one and only Judges' Save. But before that, we get to hear from the Grammy Winner Jennifer Hudson.

First time she appeared on Idol, I didn't like her but now, she is just amazing and its great to see her back on the show, singing. And her song was really good too. But then, its business time once again for our Bottom Three. One of them will be in danger of going home and that person is,

Yep. Casey received the lowest number of votes. HUGE SHOCKER THERE. So he will have to sing for his life and I just know that he won't be saved because its way too early but hey, its Casey, he might be saved. So off he sings.

Everybody is in shock or in tears right now.

And in the middle of his performance, Randy for some reason, stops him which is like, you just know its going to be bad news.

Rude much? But no, they stopped him because they're going to use the Judges' Save. Casey is safe! Casey's not going home! And Casey cannot believe it. He's in shock.

The bad news is that TWO of them will be going home next week. The good news is that not only is Casey safe but ALL of them will still be on tour this Summer. So that means everybody's going to be a part of the tour. Everybody's happy!

What a crazy, crazy, crazy results show. Hey, we have to thank America for that. Haha. Until next week!