Thursday, April 21, 2011

Glee - The Legion of Evil!

I was really, really, really, really and I mean REALLY excited that Glee finally has a new episode out. After such a long hiatus, I can't wait to hear them sing numbers, duets and whatever but this left a kind of bitter taste in my mouth so to speak just because I felt like this was such a filler episode. There was no moving forward in storyline other than Will and Emma moving back together and Sue going back to hating the Glee club and trying to destroy them.

But what can you do. I only watch this just because there are scenes that make me laugh. Like the following for instance:

The Legion of Evil

This consists of Sandy, Terri and Dustin who now go by the following codenames: Pink Dagger for Sandy, Honey Badger for Terri and Sgt. Handsome for Dustin.

Now its very funny just because these three cannot be more unstable. I don't know much about Dustin other than he's the coach of Vocal Adrenaline but Sandy and Terri are shoo-ins for being the crazy psychotic person of the year. Sadly, only Pink Dagger and Sgt. Handsome went into full mode in this episode. I always have a soft spot for Terri just because she's a shrilling shrew and she admits to it. Lol.

Sunshine Corazon

I am happy for Sunshine for only one thing and that is her voice. All By Myself was really, really good, her voice is just spectacular, there's no denying that.

Her acting however, despite it getting better, still sucks. Haha. I'm sorry but other than her throwing jabs at herself for being short and having 600+ followers on twitter, there's nothing that happened much in the episode that warrants her a wow award.

Santana Kicks Ass

I always love Santana and her kick ass attitude and this time there's no exception. Sure, it was less than five minutes of badass but she still delivered. Out of everybody in the cast, she's one that I am always happy to see because clearly she steals the show.

The Decathalon Team

One quick trivia about yours truly. When I was in High School, I have always dreamed of joining an Academic Decathalon. Just because it sounds so cool and people seem to be in awe with you when you go on and win. Lol.

Anyway, I'm not so much in love with the whole idea of this but the fact that Tina and Mike actually having lines this episode makes it so worth it. Its good to finally see, no, hear them speak in an episode, its uncanny that they're still part of the show. And also Brittany knowing the answers of so many topics was a bit questionable.

And now that we got past the good parts, let's move on to the not so good parts.

Holly Holliday

The good thing is that we won't be seeing Holly for at least a couple of episodes before Ryan Murphy thinks otherwise.

I love this character, don't get me wrong, I think Gwyneth is a great person to cast for Holly but she got shafted by the entire script because the whole Holly - Will thing moved way too fast. She didn't want a relationship but she got into one with Will and then she moves away into a new sub job in a different city and now she's gone, I mean, what's the deal right? I still find her hilarious and her solo this week was great but its also good that we're going to get a little less of her now.


The whole deal with Mercedes this episode was just out of the blue. She used to be this badass, don't take no for an answer type of girl and now she's all timid and self-conscious? What the heck happened?

Its good that she got screentime but it shouldn't be this way. It doesn't feel like her and the way she acted the entire episode was just cringe worthy as well. I didn't like her the entire episode one bit. I do give her props for her vocal talent though. She finally showed to me that she is a singer. Good for her. Let's just hope she gets a better storyline soon.

Tina's song gets shafted .... AGAIN

When Tina announced that she was going to sing something, I got excited. Because the last song she sang was My Funny Valentine and that bombed because she cried the entire time.

And now she gets another chance and once again, she flakes out. She never got to finish her solo which is a shame because she is a good singer. She got better and the writers seem to think otherwise. Yes, we know that she's sensitive and all that but all I want is for her to finish a song. Is that hard to ask? Like seriously?

So there you go. Glee failed to deliver this episode but I'm still going to watch the next episode. Why? Because this is my guilty pleasure. Other than Amazing Race, Survivor, American Idol, Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries, HIMYM, and the list goes on. Okay, never mind.

Until next week!

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