Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business - Cast Ranking

The race is over, sisters Jen & Kisha have won and now its time to take a look back at the teams this season and see just how fun they have been. Some annoyed me all throughout while some made me sad to see them go. Oh well.


11. Flight Time & Big Easy (2nd Place)

These two have got to be the loudest and the most obnoxious of all of the racers combined. Big Easy moreso. These two have done nothing in the race but latch themselves to the other team, copying answers, asking for directions and basically following everybody else. And just how loud can one person go? Just watch all the scenes with these two in it and there you go. Ugh. And since we have to go through the entire season with them on the screen was just unbearable.

10. Kent & Vyxsin (5th Place)

The Goths surprised us with the name change of Kent from Kynt. And that's about the only good thing I have from them. They always say that they're going to be positive on the start of the leg and then no more than five minutes later, they're bickering like crazy. Seriously. Add to the fact that we have to go through Kent's annoying, whiny voice every single episode made me want to smash my head against the wall. A headache is better than listening to Kent.

They're stupidity throughout the entire race never ceases to amaze me though. Good job!

9. Jet & Cord (6th Place)

The Cowboys are okay, they're naturally good people, out here to win a race. But the fact remains is that they were supposed to be gone on the very first leg. They were dead last, they sucked at almost all of the challenges and their sense of direction is abysmal. Of course the first leg has to be a super leg so they get saved. There were instances that they should have been out and once again, they get saved because the leg was a super leg or a team makes a mistake.

How they get gypped on almost all of the flights have been on just makes me laugh all the time though.

8. Mel & Mike (10th Place)

I'm sorry but these two were a waste of space. Mel, bless him, was just not physically fit to run this race again. Add to the fact that they're up against really strong, physically able teams, it amazes me that they made it to the third episode. And that's all I got.

7. Margie & Luke (8th Place)

Margie, I believe is a superwoman. She can push through anything and she's one of the older women in the race. But then she got stuck with a very whiny and a very weak partner in Luke. She has other sons I'm sure and she picks Luke? Oh wait, he's deaf so its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him but he's just so ugh. I can't think of a word that best describes him that's not offensive in any way. Lol. Like I said before, I laughed when Luke broke down the entire India leg. Way too funny, I'm sorry.

6. Zev & Justin (4th Place)

A lot of people have strong opinions over Zev & Justin most probably because of Zev. You see, if you've been living under a rock, Zev has Aspergers and he has said a lot of things throughout the race that raised a couple of eyebrows. Add to the fact that Justin did all of the work throughout the race and carried Zev's ass the entire time, I understand the mixed reactions to this team. They had their moments sure but I cannot get over the fact that they got half-waxed in Brazil. Lol.

5. Amanda & Kris (11th Place)

Ah, they are the Amber of Survivor: All-Stars, Danielle of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains and Amanda of Survivor: Fans vs Favorites. And oh, they are the Eric & Danielle of TAR: All-Stars. Most of the viewers cannot remember this team but I do. They got a very raw deal on their first race and they got a really bigger raw deal this time around. With an Automatic U-Turn, its going to be impossible for them to catch up in any sense. Its so sad because they are such a cute couple and I wanted them to go far. But alas, we can't always get what we want.

4. Jaime & Cara (9th Place)

I have to admit, I have a crush on these two. Redheads are rare in this world and these two are not only redheads, but they're hot redheads. Lol. I have mixed reactions to them because we barely saw them the time they were on the race but their snark and drive to race was really entertaining. My heart went out for them when Jaime struggled at the dinosaur roadblock. If only. Oh well.

3. Gary & Mallory (3rd Place)

You have got to love the spirits of these two. From Gary's positiveness to Mallory's cheerfulness, you have got to love them immensely. Mallory never seems to lose any energy from the yelling, cheering and running around and Gary has the patience to listen to Mallory talk over and over again. Its great to see them all the way to the Final Three and its such a shame they got the worst cab driver ever that they were out of the running the moment they left Miami Airport. Oh well.

2. Ron & Christina (7th Place)

Ron & Chris were my pre-show favorites coming into this season since I loved them the first time they appeared because of their epic growth. I was actively rooting for them to kick ass but sadly they fell apart when Ron couldn't finish the Roadblock (more like understand) that they fell behind and never caught up. Its a shame to see one of my favorites go and it was a sad moment to see these two go.

1. Kisha & Jen (1st Place)

They won the race so its only natural that they're number one in this list. These two had no storyline whatsoever the entire race and they were just there so people ruled them out quickly. Thank God I didn't do that because I had faith with these two. They had their moments, their quirky and positive attitude just made me love them even more than I did on the first race they were on. Its a rarity to see a favorite of mine win this race and they did so major, major kudos to them. *claps like crazy*

There you have it. From #11 to #1, Kisha & Jen reign supreme. Up next, American Idol!

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