Tuesday, May 31, 2011

American Idol 10 - Cast Ranking

Ah, what a season it has been. With the drama, the surprise eliminations, the obvious bias, this season has kind of rekindled my interest in American Idol. With the season over, let's take a look back at the Top 13. Thirteen people who at one point wanted to be the next American Idol.


13. Ashton Jones (13th Place)

Let's be honest here. Ashton did not deserve to be in the Top 13 after her really bad rendition of "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going". Whoever said that she sounds like Whitney or whoever (most probably Randy) needs to get the freak out of the show. She did sound great in the finale though when she sang Beyonce but other than that, she's my least favorite out of the Top 13.

12. Jacob Lusk (5th Place)

Jacob overstayed his welcome when he tried being pop. His voice is for gospel songs, enough said. At the start of the season, I was wowed by his voice, its something different, its something we haven't seen on the show but he got worse and worse with each week, I lost hope with this guy and the way he tries to teach America what to do, ugh. Sorry Jacob, but no.

11. Karen Rodriguez (12th Place)

Ah Karen. When she sang parts of the song Spanish during the Top 24, I went, 'hm, this girl has potential to be entertaining'. But she was boring as heck. I do think she has a nice voice but she never got my attention whatsoever. I might have pegged her to go further but after two back to back boring performances, I was done with her.

10. Paul McDonald (8th Place)

Paul couldn't sing if his life depended on it. Okay, he may have sounded well on some occasions but his voice is limited, constricted to a certain time of melody that there are weeks that had me cringing just hearing him sing. The only thing that made him go this far is that he's a guy. Enough said.

9. Naima Adedapo (10th Place)

It sucks to go at a double boot but Naima was on edge of being eliminated since the Top 13 began. One, she didn't really performed well on the Wild-Card and only got on probably because she cried. And two, she's not really a good singer. I do LOVE her African / Tribal vibe she does in her performances, again, something different but that's it.

8. James Durbin (4th Place)

I'm sorry, I know he sings well but I can't stand him. I really can't. I find him extremely cocky and just full of himself. What does he do on stage? Screams. This is why I never liked Adam Lambert because that's exactly what he did and James came off as kind of a Adam redux. I do give credit where credit is due since there were some performances of James that I did like but his whole attitude throughout the entire season was just not to my liking.

7. Stefano Langone (7th Place)

And the bestfriend comes next. I liked Stefano, I think he has the right amount of passion that he wants to be in the competition but his voice sometimes was just so off key that it hurts. Its kind of like nasally type. Don't get me wrong, I think there are instances that he was really good but the other times, it was just painful to watch. The only thing going for Stefano is that he looks good. That's all.

6. Scotty McCreery (Winner)

The men are dropping like flies! Heh. Scotty's a nice kid, he had a couple of really good performances but I still think he's a one trick pony. He has a limited range whereas compared to Lauren, Scotty is stuck in singing country. I really hope he proves me wrong because I think he's a nice guy but ugh. I don't think he deserved to win American Idol at all. That's just me.

5. Lauren Alaina (Runner-Up)

And the country twins are down! Honestly, I was a fan of Lauren but this is just as far as she's going to get. I think she's great and all and she should have won the title. The thing about Lauren is that she's very inconsistent. Her nerves get the best out of her all the time and there are times where she's spot on and she's great but there are a couple of times where I got bored and she's not that great.

4. Thia Megia (11th Place)

After Jasmine way back in Season 3, I don't think a Filipino would get far in Idol anymore. Thia sounds amazing and its a shame that she didn't went far. The thing about Thia is that she can come off as cold, not that connected with the audience and I think it comes with age. If she had tried out a couple of more years after, I think she would have done great. At least she goes on the tour though.

3. Casey Abrams (6th Place)

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Casey has Top Three voice potential but the thing about Casey is not only can he sing, he is actually quite funny. Even if singing doesn't work out for him, he can always go to comedy. That's whats great about Casey is that his personality makes you love him. With that alone, he deserves to be in my Top Three.

2. Pia Toscano (9th Place)

I think Pia had the same problem with Thia and that is that Pia came off as rather cold and calculated and to herself most of the time she's on stage. And whenever she tried making connection with the audience (see: "River Deep Mountain High"), it comes off very fake to me. BUT, her voice is still amazing, I love her and hope she does great out.

1. Haley Reinhart (3rd Place)

If you would have told me a few weeks into this season that I would love Haley, I would have given you a weird look and laugh. Haley started out really rough by having performances that's just not up to par. Then she came out with I believe it was "Bennie and the Jets" and I instantly fell in love with her. And then its just good after good performance that I never looked back. Haley had the spunk, she had the talent and given the right opportunities, I think she would do great. Love her immensely.

And that's that! From 13 to 1, from Ashton to Haley, that's my list. You don't have to agree with it, but hey, whatever keeps you rocking. Until next time!

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