Monday, April 25, 2011

The Amazing Race - Cheese, Luggage, U-Turn, Oh My!

Previously on The Amazing Race, teams race from India all the way to some country in Europe wherein they have to either eat a huge plate of food or deliver a couch. We see the usual things from the remaining teams. Kent still being the girl in the team while Vyxsin tries desperately to keep her girlfri...err, boyfriend in check. The Globetrotters show that they have absolutely no class when they peed on the side of a national landmark. Zev continues to be useless for the team, the Cowboys continue to remain stupid and Mallory remains to be both annoying and adorable at the same time.

And oh, Kisha and Jen continue to be invincible but racing up to par with everybody. So there. Gary & Mallory were saved by a Non-Elimination so that means they have to do a Speed Bump in this leg. Ooh. Wonder where they're going next.

They're going to Schaanwald, Liechtenstein. Whew, that's a mouthful. If I was living there I would probably space out because I ran out of breath just by saying the city. And coincidentally, Liechtenstein is a really tiny country. Like puny, miniature, small. How did I know that? Why they have a Roadblock biking the entire area of the country. I kid you not.

Considering that you can bike the entire span of the country in less than half a day then yes, the country is pretty small. So off they bike, which by the way, takes 22km of biking to get to your end destination. Jen, Justin, Gary, The Smaller Globetrotter, Vyxsin and the dark haired cowboy opted to do the Roadblock. The funny thing about the entire Roadblock is that only Justin and Jet (I'm guessing) figured out the Roadblock. The rest copied off Justin and the answer got passed around.

Funnier thing is that only the cowboy had to repeat the Roadblock because his first answer was wrong. It must have sucked to watch every other team help each other out while you're sweating your ass off a motorized bicycle. Heh. But I'm not complaining. The Cowboys should have went home on the very first leg so I'm glad that they're finally on the verge of elimination.

BUT like every other thing that happens in TAR, a dreaded equalizer happens when they have to take a bus and train to a different country.

Off to Switzerland it is for the teams! Thankfully it wasn't a big of an equalizer since the cowboys are so far behind. I just love saying that. The cowboys are so far behind. Vyxsin however tells us a very good point that no matter how far behind the cowboys are, you can never feel safe because they always appear. Kind of like cockroaches that never die.

And in Switzerland, teams face a Detour!

Cheese or Wheeze. Basically, its an eating challenge versus a strength challenge. We already had an eating challenge before wherein both Zev/Justin and Kisha/Jen failed to complete and yet those two picked yet another eating challenge just because they're hungry. Its so weird when people do that. Just because you're hungry doesn't mean you'll do good on an eating challenge silly.

Almost instantly the sisters opted out and headed to the other Detour option. Everybody sans Zev/Justin did the Wheeze Detour which is smart. That's what I would have done too. The Detour was pretty much straightforward. Kent continued to be this big whiny baby, Kisha and Jen continue to be supportive of each other, Gary and Mallory went kind of invincible the entire Detour, the Globetrotters continue to suck whenever nobody's helping them and the Cowboys continue to be behind everybody else.

And there's a Double U-Turn in this leg by the way. Last time we saw this, drama ensued with Jaime and Cara being U-Turned AND the Globetrotters being U-Turned by Jaime and Cara. As we all know the redheads got eliminated so the suspense of this U-Turn is substantial. Who will get U-Turned? Who will U-Turn who?

At first nobody wanted to use the damn thing. They were either in front or they don't need to do so. Until the Globetrotters came along and U-Turned the Cowboys. EPIC.

And basically since the next Route Marker told the teams to head over to the Pit Stop, that means the end of the Cowboys. They arrived in last place,

and eliminated subsequently. TAR however does a montage of them and plays their theme music as the credits roll. Obviously the race producers wanted them to win but alas, no cigar for them.

Next week, the teams batter on Mt. Matterhorn and the bigger Globetrotter bitches about something. Should be fun!

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