Sunday, April 24, 2011

American Idol 10 - 21st Century

I seem to get lazier and lazier with blogging but oh well. The show must go on as they say. This week's theme is the 21st century so meaning we're going to get songs that we actually know a lot. The theme alone got me excited because I'm roaring to see what kind of songs they're going to perform on stage. BUT before we get to the actual performances of the Top 7, the first 6 people that got eliminated first (Ashton, Karen, Thia, Naima, Pia and Paul) get to perform on stage.

"So What" - P!nk
I seriously have no idea who made them sing 'So What' since it doesn't fit any of them. It just went on and on and on and being this one huge clusterfuck. Even Pia couldn't save it. And with Paul's voice basically overpowering the other five women its just ugh. I was so tempted to close the player right then and there but thank God, it was over and off to the performances.

Scotty McCreery - "Swingin"
Ah yes, the one trick pony boy has finally lost its magic. Whatever spell he has over the judges is finally over and they finally see him what I've been saying the past few weeks is that he is boring. And this one is no exception. I give him his good voice and his charisma but this was just normal. Like a country style hodown or something. I don't know if that's the right term but whatever. That's how I saw this one. (7/10)

James Durbin - "Uprising"
I just have to say this first before any critique: MARCHING BAND FTW! Like seriously. James has thought outside the box for so many times already (yes, I know that most of his acts have been done by artists outside of Idol) and he never ceases to amaze me. I could do less with the screaming as always, that's a huge no no for me but the singing itself with the stanzas was pretty good. (9/10)

Haley Reinhart - "Rolling in the Deep"
One word: amazing. Haley has a lot of ups and downs in this competition but I do think this is where her niche is. Her voice is just amazing and its perfect for this song. Please stay as long as you can Haley because you are talented. (10/10)

Jacob Lusk - "Dance with My Father"
Emotional wise, I felt it. But again, I'll say it once more that Jacob's voice is just not that good. The deepness in his voice is good for gospel songs and church choirs and all that but on the big stage wherein he has to sings pop, rnb and all that, its not good at all. And I really don't like it whenever somebody preaches on the show which Jacob does week after week. Nothing against him but it gets kinda iffy. (7/10)

Casey Abrams - "Harder to Breathe"
When I heard that Casey is going to do Maroon 5, I got excited. Like literally excited. But I was severely disappointed with this performance. Adam Levine to me is a really good singer and Casey is nowhere near him. I get that he did a more rock version but to me it was not good. I get his charm and his surprise factor but vocal wise, its a no. (7/10)

Stefano Langone - "Closer"
Stefano definitely brought the sexiness in this song. Vocally, not the best, but performance wise, I would definitely remember it by far. The sexy moves, the eye contact, it was all there. Stefano worked it out. (8/10)

Lauren Alaina - "Born to Fly"
I'm sorry but what the heck is this song. Anyway, not a huge fan of this, not the best way to close the show. I would much rather have Stefano go last than this one. It was a mess of a song for me, I didn't like it. Sorry. (7/10)

Well that's that. Results show next!

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