Friday, April 29, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island - OMETEPE!

Oh goodie, more Survivor: Redemption Island! More like torture. This season has been so blah over the past few episodes but its nearing the finale on May and well, I might as well predict who wins this whole charade.

***** MORE AFTER THE JUMP! *****

Let's see, there are eight members left. Two from Zapatera, six from Ometepe. Guess who's going next? Can't guess it? Huh. Oh well. Let's just move on to the remaining castaways, shall we?

Boston Rob Mariano. Rob has to be playing the best game so far and if he could minimize the damages he would be doing over the next last days of the game wherein he has to stab several Ometepe's in the back then he has this game made. That being said, I think he still has the game if he makes it to the final three just because the Zapateras aren't that bitter about him. But we'll see.

Grant. Grant is always and will always be Rob's right hand man and is being set up for the perfect blindside. He doesn't have a clue that he's not in Rob's final three plan because Rob wants Natalie and Phillip beside him. That being said, Grant's chances of survival are getting slimmer now that its just them now. Once Andrea's gone, he's next to go.

Andrea. Andrea, from the start has me wanting to cheer on her because she keeps on talking about how Rob's the mastermind of everything. But she hasn't done one single thing to improve her position in the game at all. Its very frustrating because I think she would have the best chances if she actually played the game. Now that its just them Ometepes left, she's gone next for sure. Prove me wrong Andrea, for the love of everything that's good, prove me wrong.

Phillip. I think this would be the first episodes of many that the episode doesn't revolve around Phillip so much. He seemed more calm, more relaxed now and not so much hogging the camera that its good. I like this kind of Phillip. Sure, he was OTT as usual in the first half of the episode and after that, it was nothing. I just want him off the show so badly. But the chances are, he's going to make it to the Final Three.

Ashley. Other than giving some bitchy comments here and there, Ashley's just floating and following. She believes that she's going to be in the Final Three with Rob and Natalie, obviously she got that wrong and that's about it.

Natalie. Its like seeing Natalie White from Samoa all over again. But this Natalie is doing squat in the game. She's just there, hiding in the shadow of somebody else. I would be laughing if she wins this game which she probably will if she manages to shut up if she makes it to the end.

Now that we have the moronic five and Rob out of the way, let's move on to the departees of this episode.

Julie 2nd Jury Member. I felt bad when Julie told the story of how she needed the money that's why she went on the show. And it kills me that she's out while Matt, who's basically staying because of God, is still in this game. She had a rockstar attitude and I love that about her. So sad to see her go.

Ralph At Redemption Island. Finally, Ralph managed to spell somebody's name right! I honestly thought that he will spell it as Rawb or something. Anyway, Ralph is a good guy and when the spotlight is finally out of him, I started to like him. Too bad he was on Zapatera which was doomed so there.

Steve At Redemption Island. I was really worried about Steve because it looked like he was wasting away but he was so good at the last episode, that I kind of wanted him to stay but you know, his number was up anyway so it was only a matter of time before he gets voted off so there.

There you have it. My predictions for next week? With a battle of four people on Redemption, I'm guessing two people will go and become the members of the jury which I think will be Ralph and obviously Steve. Andrea gets voted out next and sent to Redemption. Oooh, can't wait to see Matt and Andrea's interaction on Redemption Island. See you next week!

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