Sunday, April 10, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island - This Game Respects Big Moves

That pretty much summed up the entire episode. Last week, Sarita got voted out over David and is sent to Redemption Island to battle against Matt who has yet to lose a duel. This week, the two tribes finally merged into one right after Matt beats Sarita in the duel (surprise there) and gets back in the game.

Yes, you heard it right. Matt finally gets back into the game and gets to the merge. Lucky bastard that's what he is. But the funny thing is that Matt gets voted out because he told Rob that he considered flipping to Zapatera. I mean, how stupid is that? I don't know. Matt's a good guy but he is so not cut out for this game.

Let's look at the players one by one shall we?

Boston Rob is clearly running the show. Like he did in All-Stars, Rob has in complete control over Grant, Natalie and Ashley. And he has done that without even lifting a finger. He also has Philip still believing in him and Andrea scared out of her wits to make a move. So even if I don't like Rob, he has pretty much the game on the palm of his hand right now. All he has to do is to get rid of the Zapateras and its a done deal for him. That simple.

Mike really shone this episode because he knows he's on the chopping block. Not only did he rocked at the Immunity Challenge, he was the one talking with Matt in hopes of getting him to flip. He did his best but obviously he's still a threat so his chances of not getting voted out at the next council is slim to none. If he does go to Redemption Island, I really hope he beats Matt. I really do.

Phillip is surviving because of Ometepe's numbers. He got lucky because his tribe didn't lose a challenge after Kristina got voted out because he was the next one to go. But the way he's acting, his shtick is slowly losing steam and he's going into Coach territory more and more. Coach was entertaining to say the last, Phillip is just rude and obnoxious.

Andrea, bless her little heart but her voice is just annoying. I'm sorry but its like she's squeaking everytime she speaks. No wonder she didn't have any confessionals for the past few episodes. BUT with that being said, I think she got gypped all thanks to Matt. She was so ready to flip and then Matt not only bailed on her, he threw her under the bus. Shame. I would have liked to see Andrea go far in this game but alas, no such luck for her I believe.

Matt, bless his little heart and soul for being so righteous but this is SURVIVOR for crying out loud. Its just painful to see people like this on the show because you know that they are so nice, so humble, so down to earth that they are just stupid in this game. After being voted out twice now, I don't think it would be fair for him to reach the finals. Its not. Its totally not.

And congratulations to Natalie for winning Immunity! And....that's about it.

I'm not going to go into further detail about the others like Ashley, Grant, Steve, Julie, Ralph and David because they were pretty much non-existent throughout the episode. I would have not mentioned Natalie either if she didn't win Immunity.

Until next week Survivor-natics!

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