Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Amazing Race 18 - Episode 3

The Amazing Race. This season they brought back eleven teams vying for redemption. We've already seen Amanda and Kris leave on the last episode due to an Automatic U-Turn (which, btw, I still think is very unfair) and now teams fly from Australia to Tokyo, Japan.

Personally, I've always wanted to go to Tokyo but then again, the language barrier is probably going to make me crazy but then again, I love to see the technology, the culture and its an interesting place, Japan. Maybe somebody I'll go there but who knows.
Anyway, the episode was pretty straight forward. The teams had a choice to take a connection and get to Tokyo 15 minutes earlier or get a direct flight. Guess who made it to Tokyo first?

Just a hint, Mel, Mike and Jaime were on the flight with the connection. Mallory was in the direct flight. There you go. And then there's Japan! The first thing that the teams went is a rotating parking lot which is totally cool and saves a lot of space. And with Tokyo, comes difficulty in findings locations but mostly it was Jaime and Cara and not surprisingly, the Cowboys who got lost.

The Roadblock came wherein one person has to dress up as a Samurai and take on a traditional thingamajigi. Honestly, it was doing poses and shooting an arrow at the end. Really cool stuff. The funny thing about this Roadblock are the yells. Kent totally went over the top as always which made me laugh.

And oh, btw, Jaime and Cara hit a Japanese' car side mirror and the police have to come over and check. Nothing big (unlike what they show on the previews) but it totally sent them at the back.

And then there's the Detour where they have to go through a cleansing ritual or find a frog in a huge mud arena. Honestly, I would have picked the cleansing ritual because searching a tiny little frog in a huge mud pit would be my worst nightmare. Seriously.

Not fun at all.

At the end, Zev and Justin got yet another first place finish. And Mel and Mike gave up at the Detour which saved Jaime and Cara. I liked Mel and Mike, I think they have the greatest spirit but Mike is really old. And in a physical race, age can matter a lot. And I like the redheads more so go them. I wish they would get it together on the next leg and race well just as they did last time.

Best part of the episode:

So cooooooooot ^.^

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