Monday, March 7, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island

Survivor has done it again. It has revolutionized the current standards of Outwit, Outplay and Outlast and definitely changed how you play the game. I must admit the past few seasons have been a let-down with Nicaragua and Samoa at the top of my head but so far this season has been shaping up pretty good. There has been a lot of development here and there but at the same time you still know who the producers' favorites are.

So onto the episode. And what an episode it was, and we are only on the third one! How exciting. We get to see the first ever Redemption Island duel between Matt and Francesca. I was rooting for Francesca hardcore because 1.) Her confessionals funny and 2.) Her coming back to the game would be so much fun to watch. Matt's a good guy, don't get me wrong but you can't help but root for Francesca.

And yes, Matt won the duel and Francesca went home. Sadness to the nth degree.

But then it all comes to a full circle when the Zapatera tribe became the stars of this episode. From Russell's disgusting armpits, to Stephanie and Russell scrambling to get Julie on their side and finally to the Zapatera six throwing the challenge, things were all over the place. And then comes Tribal Council.

* disaster waiting to happen *

At this stage, the alliance is between Krista-Russell-Stephanie, the three people you see on the rightmost side, while the other is between Mike-David-Ralph-Sarita-theotherguythatiforgothisname. And then there's Julie. The plan of the fivesome was to divide the votes between Russell and Stephanie just so if an idol is played, there will be a tie (since Russell, Stephanie and Krista are 3 votes instant on one person) and on the re-vote, Russell goes home.

The fivesome is expecting Julie to vote with them, the other three think that Julie is with them. Stephanie believes it so much that she just starts bashing Sarita and David left and right.

* marbles? head? one true love in Russell? *
Clearly, the girl is so delusional but it is just so lol-worthy what happens next.

 * OWNED *

Seriously. I loved that moment. Finally made her shut up. The bad news? Russell is in Redemption Island and there's a possibility that he'll beat Matt and have a chance to get back in the game. Pft. Yeah, right.

And oh yeah, there's Ometepe where Andrea is scorned that she lost her fu----I mean, sleeping buddy in Matt, Phillip still thinks he's a Former FBI Agent and Kristina is still out there looking for an idol.

Until next week. Will Stephanie make a fool out of herself again? Probably. Will Phillip still be delusional? Definitely. Will Andrea do something to get rid of Boston Rob in revenge against Matt? Most probably not. Will we finally see Krista come out of her shell? Not going to happen. Will next episode be epic? I sure hope so!

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